Day 5 of macrobiotic eating: Attitude and hanging in there

Grumpy (I am being too negative about my cleanse)

I received some feedback that my previous Day 3 recap was too negative. OK, so the feedback was from my husband. But, still. I want to address that perception. Of course, everyone is entitled to their own interpretation of someone else’s writing. My goal is certainly not to be negative. I am really grateful for Erin of Ely Organics for donating the Miessence certified organic superfoods!

The primary reason for these ongoing recaps is to give a real-life look at what it’s like to do a cleanse. I am not making it look easy because it isn’t easy. Anyone who says that it is easy to make dietary changes requiring significant time investments is wrong. I am now cooking 6 meals a day instead of 3, since I have to cook separate meals for myself and my family. And I do cook them all, because we have never done convenience food much around here.

I digress, but the point is that I was unable to find anywhere online with a comprehensive recap of what it feels like to convert to a macrobiotic diet with young children in tow, or be macrobiotic as an urban mom. People throw around the word “cleanse” like it’s no big deal. And maybe if this was a 3- or 5-day cleanse, it would be. But this is 30 days. So I feel compelled to document, for better or worse.

Also: this is my blog. I need a place to vent and reflect and be honest. There are not a lot of people in real life who understand why I am doing this, so the blog is my safe place. When I write about my experience honestly, you (my readers) are super helpful. You have given me recipes to try or just plain encouragement. Thank you!

I hope that you do continue to follow along on my journey on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can also sign up to receive blog posts via email.

I would love to get your feedback as I go – are you changing your eating for the New Year? How is it going for you?

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