Macrobiotic Snacks

Macrobiotic Snacks on-the-go

From what I’ve read, the macrobiotic lifestyle (and it is a full lifestyle, as I’m now able to see) does not encourage or promote on-the-go snacking. One of the tenets is eating slowly and consciously.

However, my lifestyle as a SAHM and part time fitness instructor in urban Dallas does require both on-the-go snacking and even meals on the go. Most playdates don’t take place at a macrobiotic restaurant, you know.

Google really failed me, so I came up with my own macrobiotic snacks. Here’s what I have so far.

  1. Organic brown rice cakes (affiliate link) – make sure there is nothing added. No oil, no flavor. I like the Lundberg brand.
  2. Mary’s Gone Crackers (affiliate link) – the only crackers I can find that don’t contain binding agents, sugar, preservatives or oil. Rice and quinoa.
  3. Organic freeze dried strawberries (affiliate link) – regular dried strawberries use tons of sugar, so freeze dried is the way to go. According to the guy who gave me the diet, strawberries are ok.
  4. Tahini – I put it in small containers to dip rice crackers or crackers.
  5. Hummus – look for brands without canola oil or olive oil, because those oils are often avoided by macrobiotics. I found a local brand, the texture is a bit different but I grew accustomed to it. You could also make your own.
  6. Dried nori seaweed (affiliate link) – it’s actually pretty yummy on it’s own. There is some oil in these, so watch your intake. My kids love it!

That’s it for now, I’ll update this post if I discover more.

Are you a macrobiotic eater? Any snacks you can share?

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