It’s June already, what?! Where does the time go? I think it goes here:
Still, I remember that back in January I made a To Do List for 2013. How am I doing halfway through the year?
1. Finally make those reusable snack bags.
Nope. Have not done this. Once, I took all the fabric out and looked at it for 15 minutes. That is the farthest I’ve gotten. I keep buying plastic baggies for snacks and I feel extremely guilty EVERY TIME.
2. Print family blog books.
I did this! Almost immediately after making the To Do list. It was super easy, as it always is (I use Blog2Print, this is not an ad, I don’t get anything from mentioning the site. Every year I pay for a book. I don’t even have coupon codes!). Unfortunately, I am doing a crappy job of keeping up with our family blog again this year so next year will be a depressingly sparse blog book. Or I will be staying up until 2am one night publishing 15 blog posts at one time.
3. Meal planning.
I am doing so much better with this since discovering The Fresh 20. This is NOT an ad, I did not get paid or compensated or receive anything free to say that. I heard about The Fresh 20 meal planning program from OneStarryMom when there was a Groupon running, which I then purchased with my very own money. I just found out a few weeks ago that the founder of The Fresh 20 will be my co-panelist at BlogHer this year! I was so excited I nearly peed myself. It might not bode well for me to be such a ridiculous fan girl. But I love her product SO MUCH. Everything made from scratch, all whole foods, super easy shopping lists, and the meals themselves take very little time to prepare. Recommend!
4. Patch some giant holes in our walls.
Nope, the holes are still there. Home Depot scares me.
5. Repaint other messed up paint…or do something about it.
Nope, the paint is getting worse. My children have applied stickers to the wall and ripped additional paint off of it.

Procrastination on this one has to do with my fear of the 100 paint cans in our garage. I just can’t bring myself to try to figure out which one is the correct one for the living room.
6. Do something about the front yard.
We kinda started this.

We took a chainsaw to the giant shrubs, got rid of them, and created flower beds. However, I neglected to line the beds with newspaper for a weed barrier and we didn’t use enough mulch, so the grass is growing back up through the beds. It looks pretty ghetto.

A solicitor (who did NOT see my Do Not Solicit sign, I suppose) commented yesterday on whether we were going to do anything about that. No, young-single-guy-without-kids-who-doesn’t-even-live-in-this-area-and-can’t-read-signs, I have not gotten around to “doing something about that”.
7. Go to the dentist.
I looked up some Groupons but I did not do this in enough time before school got out. Now preschool is out for the summer and there is no way for me to go to the dentist because I have a 2 and 3 year old with me at all times. This will have to happen in the fall when I have 2-3 hours per week kid-free.
8. Take Little Sir to the dentist.
I did this! It was super easy! He loved it! And the dentist taught him to spit out his toothpaste, which he is doing like a Big Boy. He has great teeth. Hooray!
9. Try again with the garden.
My garden is doing surprisingly well considering how little effort I have made.
Most of the plants came from seeds I forgot that I planted last fall or scraps from our compost heap. It’s very scientific.