Sneaky eating: Lentil and Carrot Spice Muffins

Before I had kids, I always said that I would NOT be hiding veggies and fruit in food – I would make those kids eat fruit and veggies and learn to like it! Because I was so wise in the ways of children.

Little Sir actually loves all fruit and will willingly (although sporadically) eat a good deal of veggies. However, he does not eat: meat of any kind, soy, or beans of any kind. Where does he get his protein, you might ask? If you find that out, please let me know. Maybe dairy? (All the natural mamas out there are having heart attacks – truly hardcore “green” and “natural” people say dairy is the devil.) I don’t know how he isn’t dead, actually. Possibly the PediaSure we sneak into his milk helps (and the natural mamas have now left my blog… cause yeah, I know that stuff has sugar).

Here is a recipe I got from my mom in which I hide lentil beans. He really does like muffins so this seems to work well and it they are very yummy!

Lentil and Carrot Spice Muffins

1/2 c. brown sugar
3/4 c. granulated sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1/3 c. oil
1 c. lentil puree****
1 c. shredded carrots (I shredded mine in a food processor)
1 c. flour
3/4 c. whole wheat flour
1 tsp baking soda 
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon 
1 tsp nutmeg
pinch of salt
Mix all moist ingredients.  Mix all drys.  Add together till incorporated. Depending on how watery your lentil puree was (or wasn’t), you might need to add a little bit of apple juice to make the batter muffin-consistency. Spray tins or baking pan.  Bake at 350 for 20-25 min.
***Lentil Puree  Rinse and drain a can of lentils (original recipe said 19 oz but I used 15 oz and that was perfect but I had to add additional juice to the batter); puree in processor with 1/4 c. water till like baby food, adding water as needed.  Can use fruit juice if desired.

One thought on “Sneaky eating: Lentil and Carrot Spice Muffins

  1. Catalina Carrgard says:


    I didn’t leave your blog, although, yes, the evils were pushing me out… 🙂 

    Talking about protein, I will use your recipe (thank you very much), but replace the flours with quinoa (30% of entire flour quantity) and probably wholegrain rye or buckwheat or soy (the last two, gluten free). I haven’t decided yet. But quinoa flour (or amaranth) will be in there for sure for the high protein content.

    Out with the sugar 🙂 and in with some grounded flax, hemp and chia – rich in protein too and omega 3 essential fatty acids and stable when heated.

    And I will use coconut oil, as it’s stable when heated too.

    I need to add some savoury flavors as my muffins won’t be sweet – my child doesn’t eat sweets. Will come up with something.

    Will come back about the result – for sure rich in protein, good carbs and fats and full of vitamins and minerals too!

    Thanks for inspiration!



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