2013 To Do List: How Did I Do?

I don’t make resolutions, I make To Do Lists. Here is 2012. Here is 2013.

How did I do this year? Let us review

  1. Finally make those reusable snack bags.
    I am going to cross this one off simply because I bought reusable snack bags. Well, when I say “I”, what I mean is that my BFF found a bunch on sale and mailed them to me. So yay! No sewing. I still have the fabric for the bags I didn’t actually make. Maybe I will make them before my kids are in high school.
  2. Print family blog books.
    Done, and now I have to do 2013. Which means I have to actually update our family blog that I haven’t touched since October.
    2014 To Do List, here I come.
  3. Meal planning.
    TheFresh20.com solved this whole issue for me. I seriously love them. I should get commission for recommending them. That, by the way, is NOT an affiliate link. Oh, how I wish it were.
  4. Patch some giant holes in our walls.
    Um, no. I did buy a patch kit at Home Depot last week in a frantic effort to make it by the end of the year, but I am going to have to admit now that it’s just not going to happen before midnight tomorrow.
  5. Repaint other messed up paint…or do something about it.
     I totally did this! At least, in the living room. The downstairs bath still needs help. I partially did the living room because we got this awesome Nest smart thermostat and removing the old thermostat exposed some unpainted wall.
  6. Do something about the front yard.
    We started this. We removed the bushes and created flower beds lined by bricks. However, all the mulch we filled them with has sunken in or washed away, and I never planted anything in them. So it looks weird. But at least we removed the bushes? So, kinda done?
  7. Go to the dentist.
    I never did. Again, tried to figure out a way to get this done in the last 2 weeks but with the kids not in preschool over the holiday there was no way. I really do need to do this, my teeth need whitening and I want to try peroxide but not until I get my teeth cleaned. Now it’s been 3 whole years since I’ve been to the dentist. Whee!
  8. Take Little Sir to the dentist.
    Yep, he has actually been twice! We found a great pediatric dentist just down the street from our house and both kids LOVE her and her office. They are actually sad to leave because she has so many neat toys there and the visits are so quick that they don’t get to play as long as they want!
  9. Try again with the garden.
    I did try. I got a lot of kale and swiss chard, so that was awesome. I pretty much killed everything else. Even the bell peppers, which were doing so well right before Thanksgiving. It must have frozen while we were gone because when we got back they had shriveled up, never to recover.

I feel like I actually did really well this year, if I could only stop fixating on that dentist failure. I really want to get my teeth cleaned. I know that is a weird thing to say.

Stay tuned for the 2014 To Do List, coming soon!

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