My {unrealistic} green wish list 2010

So many other bloggers are doing “wish lists” that I wanted to jump in. I thought I’d compose an unrealistic wish list – things that I know we can’t afford (at least for now) and I know I won’t get, but I drool over constantly anyway. If you know anyone at any of these companies… hey, I am not going to turn down a free product! I will even host a giveaway!

Here we go….

Grey Wedges by Tom’s – the company who gives a pair of shoes to a needy child for each pair you purchase. Just came out with wedges!!! I have tried them on and I wear a size 7. I just haven’t yet forced myself to pay $70 for them. Also, they are kinda summery and here we are in December.

Blue Oil Balancing Concentrate by Aveda – I get my hair cut at The Aveda Institute and they massage your scalp with this oil before washing your hair. It’s AMAZING. I love it!

Willow Tree 19 Piece Nativity Set – Sure, I may not actually have anywhere to put this up right now, but I have loved this particular set for years and one day I hope to have one. This year Amazon is packaging them with 2 bamboo towels (what? I have no idea why).

Picnik Premium Membership 1 year – I really love this online photo editing software, but I only have access to the free version right now. To me, it’s a lot easier than Photoshop and I can access it from whatever computer I am using at the time. This is key for me, since I often blog from any of 3 machines.

NatureMill Plus XE Automatic Composter – I think I have ranted about this before. I would just LOVE to have one of these things. SO MUCH. It goes under your sink and it does all the mixing and composting FOR you so you can’t possibly mess it up (as I tend to do with compost). Also it is completely airtight, so no stinkiness!

A Kindle – who doesn’t want a Kindle?? Although I think the only thing that would make the Kindle better, for me, is if it had a screenreader function that would turn any book into an audio book so I could listen while I am working? Or does it already have that?

But honestly, if I am going to be THAT unrealistic, how about an iPad? Yes, I sure would love one of those!! I bet that thing has a screenreader function. It’s probably faster than my old school MacBook.

Obviously, this is just getting out of hand so I’ll sign off. Have I missed anything?