Genetically Modified Organisms, or GMO’s. What do you know about them? Should we be eating genetically altered variations of what-used-to-be-food when the results of that genetic modification have not been tested on humans? Did you know that we are eating plants that are actually classified by the FDA as pesticides themselves (not covered in pesticides – they are the pesticides!)? Is it OK for a super-company to create and patent seeds that grow our food and sue everyone who isn’t using them? What about the super-bugs that have evolved in response to these unnatural plant formulations? Most of all, is it OK to hide GMO’s in all the foods we eat and deny us the right to even know what is going into our own mouths? Did you know that even China labels food containing GMO’s, but not the United States?
First of all, I recommend watching Food, Inc. if you haven’t already. In that documentary, you will meet farmers who have been sued for planting their own seeds rather than buying genetically altered seeds from super-company Monsanto. And Monsanto won. Monsanto won again earlier this month in a similar case.
Think you aren’t affected because you eat pretty healthy? How about these facts:
Up to 90% of U.S. soybeans, corn, cotton, canola, and sugar beets are now genetically engineered and routinely inserted into human and animal foods with no labels or safety testing.
Approximately 80% of current grocery food items contain GMOs; while according to U.S. Department of Agriculture statistics, the majority of beef, pork, poultry, dairy, and eggs come from CAFOs.
Considering the growing concern over GMOs and CAFOs, all food packaging should clearly identify all non-organic ingredients containing soy, corn, cottonseed oil, canola, sugar beets, alfalfa or GM growth hormones with a label or shelf sign that says “May Contain GMOs” and identify all meat, dairy, and eggs that come from CAFOs with a label or shelf sign that says “CAFO.”
I’d like to say that there is a political party who stands with us against Monsanto, but unfortunately there isn’t. Monsanto executives are now in nearly every branch of the government, successfully blocking legislation that would stop this company’s monopoly. The only thing that is left is the voice of regular people like you and me.
If you’ve read my blog long, you know that I strive to be balanced and moderate in my recommendations of action. I have never marched in a protest before, but this weekend I will. All across the country, people like you and I will be participating in the peaceful March Against Monsanto in Dallas, TX to protest Monsanto’s shameful disregard of our personal rights and ask that those in power in our government take notice.
Here are the details about the Dallas March Against Monsanto:
Where: Dallas City Hall – 1500 Marilla Street
When: promptly at 1:00 PM (CST)
What: A peaceful 2 mile walk
If you can’t walk with us, please consider signing the Millions Against Monsanto petition stating that we have the right to know what is in the food we eat.
#greensisters March Against Monsanto with me in Dallas, Texas http://t.co/e26Z2BXvmn @_conscientious
March Against Monsanto with me in Dallas, Texasvia @_conscientious http://t.co/KYWcVJS1sj
I will be marching for the first time and look forward to the day I also will be marching against Factory Farming. Besides marches being effective, I believe there should be billboards located in affluent neighborhoods, where many people, if made aware of our (and their plight), would be more inclined to take action also. I also believe the issue of independent farmers VS Big Ag industrial factory farms definitely go hand in hand with Monsanto and should not be two separate causes. Let’s all march!