Dave Rizzo at Cottonwood Art Festival

This weekend was the bi-annual Cottonwood Art Festival, which I have mentioned before that we love. Last fall I also first encountered Dave Rizzo‘s sculptures, which you can see in the header of my newly redesigned blog! I was excited to meet the Rizzos in person for the first time since the redesign. I’ve mostly communicated with Mrs. Rizzo, and I had so much fun meeting her. She is a beautiful lady and I wish I had pictures of her to show you (she had on some beautiful jewelry that I LOVED), but she said she’d rather I take a picture of Dave since it’s his work that we love so much.
So here we are, me and Dave Rizzo:
Dave Rizzo
Behind me you can see more of the beautiful figures that inspire me. Before I had only seen that he had free-standing sculptures, but now he also has some mounted on wall plates as part of the sculpture, which I think are also amazing and definitely less likely to be knocked over by a toddler in our home! Christian and I are planning on getting one or more as soon as we can. If you are looking for earthy but also whimsical pieces for your home, I highly recommend any of these. Their web site contains more images of other sculptures as well.

A few more images from this year’s festival – I was happy to note the addition of recycling cannisters throughout the festival this year (note the lower left corner of the first picture)! Way to be green, Richardson!
Cottonwood Art Festival 2011
Cottonwood Art Festival 2011
Run, Asher, run