Conscientious Confusion on Twitter: now with more focus!

I am excited to announce that Conscientious Confusion is finally officially back on Twitter!

Follow _conscientious on Twitter

I started a placeholder account (@sometimes_me) right before BlogHer 2010 so I could follow all you blog people and communicate with you at the conference even though we don’t have each other’s phone numbers. Since then, I didn’t use the account for much except following other people, interacting with brands I love (@cottonbabies! @bumgenius!), and to know what is going on in the blogosphere.

After trying for months to come up with a good blog tie-in, I’ve finally found an available Twitter username that fits in with the blog name!

Now, follow @_conscientious on Twitter for:

  • links to news articles on green living, health and nutrition, cloth diapering, natural birth and parenting, and environmental issues
  • links to upcoming Dallas-area green events and specials
  • notifications on the latest Conscientious Confusion blog posts
  • all the drama in the blogosphere…retweeted for you 🙂

… and more, as I think of it!

Message me any time and I’ll be happy to message you back! Are there topics you’d like to see addressed on this blog? Send me a tweet!

Can’t wait to see you all on Twitter!

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