5 Unrelated Things #3

5 Unrelated things is my random-thoughts list feature, please feel free to grab this image and make your own 5 Unrelated Things post!

5 Unrelated Things hosted by ConscientiousConfusion.com


I got a random stomach bug that came with FREE fever! for about 24 hours. The thing with homeopathic and natural remedies is that they only work if you can see the illness coming. This hit out of nowhere – BAM! It came conveniently right after a week of birthday and Valentine’s events that kept me offline.


FYI, oregano oil is supposed to kill norovirus, or the stomach bug that is going around. If you can get it on fast enough, that is. The problem is that I have not been slathering my entire family and all our things in oregano. We do Thieves, but not really oregano. I did put oregano and peppermint oils on my feet to bring down fever and help me recover. You can buy oils here by clicking on “Product Line”.


I totally took the easy way out and went with Gymboree for my daughter’s birthday. Not cheap, but no regrets! I really dislike planning things. I also bought the cupcakes pre-packaged from Whole Foods.

Gymboree Party Fun


Gymboree Party Premade Cupcakes

DONE. I can’t wait for next year when both kids are going to invite only a few close friends for some kind of fun experience – no more giant 30-person parties!!


Our chickens laid eggs while it was 18 degrees outside, but quit laying when the temps were around 20-30 degrees. It’s been about 6-7 weeks now with no eggs. The last week has been in the 70’s and: no eggs. What is going on?! I am afraid they might have mites or something. Which is totally gross.


I should probably start planting my garden again.

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