10 Surprising Foods That Contain Sugar

10 Suprising Foods Contain Sugar | Living Consciously Blog

During my 28 days of no sugar or sugar-like products (honey, molasses, agave, coconut sugar), I was surprised to find that some staples of the kitchen contained added sweeteners. Before this cleanse, I thought my sugar intake was probably pretty low already. And while my regular eating patterns are probably much lower in sugar than the typical American diet, I found that I had been inadvertently consuming far more sugar than I thought. Here’s a list of things that I found were off limits.

10 Surprising Foods That Contain Sugar

  1. Organic Vegetable Broth – contained 2 kinds of sugar!
  2. BBQ sauce
  3. Stir fry sauce
  4. Bread – even my homemade wheat bread does
  5. Tortillas
  6. Canned beans – not even the “baked beans”, but just regular black beans or navy beans can contain added sugar or molasses
  7. Lasagna – prepackaged organic spinach lasagna that was served at a family event contained several types of sugar
  8. Gluten free cereal – there is literally no type of a gluten free cereal that does not contain some type of sweetener
  9. Coconut milk in a carton
  10. Salsa

Are there any on the list that surprised you? Where else have you found unexpected sugar?

10 thoughts on “10 Surprising Foods That Contain Sugar

  1. Small Footprints says:

    I’m actually not surprised by any of the items … well, maybe the canned beans. Processed foods seem to always sneak in sugar. Just another argument for whole, non-processed foods. 🙂

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