Last week we took our annual trip to Kansas City to see Millie and Danny! Once again, I am terrible at remembering to take pictures. We were there 4 days and I hardly got any. But, at least this time I actually remember to get a picture of Millie and I together. We get together about twice a year and for 2 years I have forgotten to take any pictures of she and I together. I have posted the rest of the pictures on Flickr but here are some of the highlights.A long awaited picture of me and Millie. Why do I look like a complete dork in every one of these?
Millie and Danny have 4 furbabies, but this one is Gangy wearing her lobster costume. I have a video of Gangy in the lobster costume
And here is a picture of a giant stuffed pig and cow on top of a truck at the Farmer’s Market at River Market.