I’ve been blogging…but only in my head

Does anyone else do this: I write blog posts in my head that I never get a chance to post. It just seems like things go really fast in life and I don’t get to stop and record it much lately.

Right now we’re in the middle of the last scientific conference I’ll have to work for the Association before my last day on Wednesday. It’s one of the 2 times a year I have to work in evenings at this job. So I’m sitting in the coffee shop of the worship center of our church using the free Wi-Fi, hoping that the email will be approved to send before my Celebrate Recovery small group starts at 7:20. I hope that I get to make it into group tonight, but at the moment it’s not looking promising.

It’s weird to be at work while everyone is in Orlando at this conference, knowing I’ll be gone when they get back. I really will miss a lot of the people, and it’s been a great environment to work in, other than the fact that I’ve had to spam people for a living.

I am taking Thursday and Friday off and then starting the new job next Wednesday. Christian has taken the same days off work to use up his time off that he’d otherwise lose at the end of the year. During the week off, we are going to East Texas to babysit my niece on Thursday. Friday we are going to spend an entire day (9 hours) watching all 3 of the Lord Of The Rings movies back-to-back. Sunday and Monday we are going camping at Enchanted Rock. Somewhere in there, I need to learn SQL for my new job!