I’m going to #BlogHer12!

I'm going to BlogHer '12

I am so excited to announce that I am officially going to BlogHer 2012!

I will be going as a Mic Wrangler volunteer, which means I will work designated sessions helping bring the microphone to attendees as they interact with the panelists, so that everyone in the room can hear and everything is recorded for the podcasts that a released after the conference. In 2010, I was a Volunteer Wrangler, meaning I organized all the volunteers. So I have an idea what I’m going into.

This will be my 3rd BlogHer conference (previously 2010 and 2011), but my VERY FIRST where I won’t be either pregnant or have a baby with me! I also will not be officially working for anyone except in my volunteer position (unless I find a sponsor).

All that to say: I’ll be able to socialize freely this time and I can’t wait! If you’re a blogger and you’re going, please leave me a comment or @ me on Twitter to make sure we meet up!

Meet my roommates
Since I’m paying my own way this time, it was most cost-effective to find 3 other bloggers to split the room. I am so excited to be rooming with the fabulous Valerie from Charmed Valerie, Jennifer of Real Posh Mom, and another Jen aka Punky from Punky and the City.

I can’t wait to meet up with these ladies and compare our experiences! If you have some time, go visit their blogs today!

…and if you know a company looking for exposure to thousands of bloggers by sponsoring me – introduce me!