Homemade honey beauty treatments

Last night I was excited to be part of a gathering of bloggers at one of my favorite businesses, spa habitat, in West Village in Dallas to meet with representatives from the National Honey Board. It was a wonderful evening full of sweet treats and homemade beauty treatments!

After the initial mingling, we each sat down with our plate of honey-based snacks to a number of natural ingredients laid out in front of us.

Amy Bohn, owner of all four spa habitat locations, guided us through the creation of four separate facial treatments using ordinary kitchen ingredients and honey!

It was fun and intimidating to be at an event where you take all your makeup off, but many of the bloggers were fearless. Here, Jennifer from Real Posh Mom demonstrates a treatment on her hand…

Here’s Bella from Bellaesque, who looked absolutely glowing by the end of the evening, trying the Honey Facial Wash (recipe below):

Valerie from Charmed Valerie rubbing on the Honey-Lemon Holistic Purifying Treatment (recipe below):

I can’t remember what treatment Farah from The Dallas Diva was trying here, but it looks fun!

Things just got messier and messier as we went along, and even I put some gooey stuff on my face.

Ultimately, I learned so much about honey! Did you know that new research has recently been published proving that skin treated with honey retains and maintains more moisture than skin that had not been treated with honey? And honey can be used in conjunction with essential oils for amazing natural beauty results.

To show you some of the things that can be done with honey, here are 4 of the recipes we made last night so that you can make them at home for yourself! Please feel free to share!

Honey Facial Wash

1 teaspoon honey
1 drop of lavender essential oil
Warm water

Place honey on the tips of your fingers, and add 1 drop of essential oil to the honey. Rub the honey on your fingertips to warm the honey. Massage the honey onto your dry face (avoiding your eye area). Allow the honey to sit on your face for a few minutes, then rinse off with warm water and a facial cloth.

Honey-Lemon Holistic Purifying Treatment

1⁄2 fresh lemon, sliced in half
3 to 4 drops of honey
Cold water

Add drops of honey to the lemon. Rub the lemon on your face, emphasizing the T-Zone area (nose, chin, etc.). Leave the lemon and honey mixture on your face for 5 minutes, then wash off with cold water.

Honey-Lemon Exfoliating and Moisturizing Facial Scrub

1 tablespoon honey
2 tablespoons fine salt
1 teaspoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons organic olive oil

Mix honey, salt, lemon juice and olive oil in a bowl. Massage into the skin for 2 minutes and then rinse with warm water and towel dry.

Moisturizing Honey Banana Mask

1 tablespoon of banana
1 teaspoon honey
1 teaspoon plain Greek yogurt

Place banana, honey and yogurt into a bowl. Mash with a fork. Apply with your fingers to your face. Let dry for 20 to 30 minutes. Wash with a warm washcloth.

And a big “thank you” to the National Honey Board, who can be found at Honey.com, and Amy at spa habitat for hosting!

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