Good weekends can really drain the week

Birth Without Fear, Texas Veggie Fair, Super Why birthday party

Two weekends ago, I spent the whole weekend at the Birth Without Fear Conference and had a great time. It was such an encouraging time in many ways — as a green blogger, as a mom, as a so-called hippie, and it even encouraged me to go back to my “weird” hair to see so many beautiful women with their rainbow hair. Now I’m pastel purple.

pastel purple hair

This past weekend, Little Sir turned 4 years old! We had a party with just some close family and friends, and then spent all day Sunday at the Texas Veggie Fair. It was a great time, very active, very social, and very exhausting for me. Both weekends.

I admit, I didn’t blog last week because I felt that I owed you, my readers, a comprehensive recap of the entire Birth Without Fear conference. And I just couldn’t do it. The truth is, having no free time for two weekends leaves all the grocery shopping, the errands, the chores preparing for parties and guests and starting two new kids yoga series to happen during the week, eliminating any spare time for blogging. When I did have opportunities to sit down for a few minutes, I was so overwhelmed by the amount of things I wanted to say about the conference that I could not write.

I think I am going to have to let that one go. I want to say a huge “thank you” to January for organizing the conference and providing the opportunity for all of us to meet and pursue birth without fear. And maybe as we head toward child #3 some day in the future, the topics we covered at the conference will come in this blog. I am sure I will never forget the things I learned. And if you do want to see a blow-by-blow, search the #bwfconference hashtag on Twitter — that was me tweeting for both myself and Green Child Magazine. It really is pretty comprehensive, including quotes and pictures.

I hope that writing down the reasons for my failure to write will give me the internal permission that I need to start blogging again without feeling I left out something.