Conscientious Consumerism: Things to watch for when shopping for anything

You know that you’ve reached some kind of crunchy-person dilemma when you are standing in a giant store with an aisle full of options and do not find any acceptable choices for the item you came to purchase. I’m not just talking about food, although I certainly struggle with orthorexia in that area — but any item!

Small or large. Bed sheets. Slippers. Hand lotion. Paper towels. Wrapping paper. Everything.

When I say that I practice conscientious consumerism, what do I mean?

Questions that go through my head: where was it made? Were the workers treated fairly? What are the chemicals in it? What active chemicals will it leach when not in use? Were there pesticides used in it? Are there genetically modified (GMO) ingredients? Is there gluten or dairy in this? Can I make this instead of buying it? If so, is that crazy/do I even have enough time? Should I be purchasing something with this much unnecessary packaging? Is this made of plastic? If so, can I get a glass or stainless steel version?

Yep, all those things really do go through my head. And it’s true that I have walked out of even Target empty-handed because  I couldn’t answer some of those questions satisfactorily about the item I came for.

While you are pondering just how crazy I might be, I will provide you a list of things I look for when shopping and things I avoid. Follow at your own risk!
Conscientious Consumerism: Things to watch for when shopping for anything |


Phthalates (also called “Fragrance” in ingredients list)


Trans fats (partially- or fully hydrogenated oils)

Soy or canola oil with unlisted source (likely GMO)

non-organic corn (GMO)

high fructose corn syrup

corn syrup

leather (when possible)

PVC (leaches phthalates/endocrine disruptors)

Single use items

Unpronounceable ingredients



Fair trade (better)

Purchase benefits a marginalized group (best)

Recyclable (better)

Reusable/refillable (best)

Small business

Workforce responsibility


Certified non-GMO



That’s my short lists for now — have I left anything out that you look for or avoid? I’d love to hear your additions!

9 thoughts on “Conscientious Consumerism: Things to watch for when shopping for anything

  1. lindsay says:

    Great list, I hear you on this. I’m trying to find a good water filter for my home and I’m running up short. I almost thought I found the right company, but now it looks like they use nano materials in the filter. What’s a lady to do? I guess the best we can do is relax, do our best and LIVE OUR LIVES!

  2. Gina B says:

    Me too! Hubby’s not as good with this stuff, so I do most of the shopping. We add corn, gluten and dairy as well as “artificial” to that list too

    1. Jenny says:

      Ooo “artificial” is a great one to add! Definitely! My son is gluten & dairy free but the rest of the family isn’t so I look for it half of the time!

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