7 Quick Takes Friday #48

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The weather last week was warm and sunny for a few days, so of course I started planting things. Because I have such a great record of success with gardens. Of course, this week it’s been in the 30’s at night. So I’ve probably already killed everything.

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I almost did an “All the Drama on the Internets” about Marissa Meyer eliminating working from home at Yahoo, but there wasn’t much drama in that there weren’t many differences of opinion, that I could tell. Everyone was pretty united in thinking that what she did was a bad idea and sets us all back as women in the workplace.

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You might have noticed that I frequently run advertising for ThredUp, which is a way to buy used children’s clothing online that is similar to a consignment sale or shop, only online so you don’t have to leave your house. You can also sell your used children’s clothing the same way, they send a bag to your house and you fill it up and get credit for clothing in the future. It is a very green thing to do, and you know I love consignment sales. I’ve heard really good feedback from others, but I’d actually never tried it myself. Last night I placed my first order. I’ll be letting you know how it goes, I am excited to receive my first box!

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Speaking of advertising, now is the time to purchase advertising on this blog! If you purchase an ad now, you can get 10% off the cost by purchasing 3 months at a time using the promo code 3MonthsOfFun. If you are a fellow blogger, consider purchasing a 125×125 spot to run during Blissdom! Here’s the size of a 125×125:

Conscientious Confusion - a blog about living consciously

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Are you on Vine yet? I am, but let me tell you: I am terrible at it. Terrible. I like the people who do stop-animation with Vine. Super cool!

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Blissdom is next month but I’m probably not going to conference because it costs money. However, I do live 45 minutes away so if you’re a blogger who is attending and would like to get together at a local restaurant, I bet we could get a group together! Email me!

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I have noticed that Facebook click through rates for this blog are pretty terrible. I’m not going to close down the FB page, but if you’re looking for me, I’m mostly on Twitter. Or you can subscribe to receive my blog posts via email or RSS.

Well that’s all for this week, be sure to visit Conversion Diary for links to more 7 Quick Takes Fridays.