7 Quick Takes Friday #20 – BlogHer 2011 Edition

BlogHer 2011 Edition

— 1 —

I still haven’t blogged comprehensively about BlogHer because it is too overwhelming, so I am just going to go over some of the details in this 7 Quick Takes and then do one more post about the logistics of bringing a baby to BlogHer for anyone who might be Googling it next year. I looked for posts about it before I left but they only addressed whether or not to bring the baby to parties, not the actual logistics of being in the sessions with a baby.

— 2 —

Despite the fact that our plane was on the tarmac for 2 hours on the way to San Diego, Little Lady did very well on the plane. It was tiring for me to keep her busy in my lap for 6 hours straight, but she never really cried much. She also didn’t nap at all, on either flight. Which is completely normal for my children, who do not sleep or nap when traveling. In case you don’t follow my family blog, here is a picture of the Southwest flight attendant who was using Little Lady to help greet passengers coming on for the second leg of our flight home!
Finn the flight greeter

— 3—

Here’s a pic of me and Galit Breen from These Little Waves! I was so excited to finally meet her in person, I have stalked read her blogs starting back when she blogged as Minnesota Mammaleh and watched her writing develop as she is moving into writing some beautiful fiction lately!
Me and Galit!!

— 4 —

I ran into the Jimmy Dean sun while waiting for the elevator on Saturday. Yes, this is the guy who does the commercials.
Jimmy Dean sun

— 5 —

Sunday morning before we caught our flight back, and after all my green blogger friends had left, Little Lady and I hung out by the firepit near the beautiful tropical pool at the Marriott and I ate a huge breakfast burrito. It was so cool in the morning that we had to stay by the firepit for warmth and Little Lady was wearing a sweater!
last day in San Diego

— 6 —

San Diego is a lovely city, which I hardly got to see because I was in the conference the whole time. I’d love to go back some time for a visit.
San Diego
I just love California so much.
I have never been to LA or to Sonoma/Napa, but I am sure I would love it too. The weather is so beautiful, no wonder so many people live there and raise the cost of living, even though it is totally going to fall into the sea one day.

— 7 —

I feel like the 7 Quick Takes has gone so fast this week! Usually it’s a beating to come up with 7 things, but with BlogHer, it’s easy. I want to cram in so much more! But I know you are all tired of hearing about it.

One final thing I’m thinking of doing as a result of all the free cloth diapers I received as swag this year is starting a “Cloth Diaper Thursday” where I review a different brand of diaper each week. This will only last about 6-7 weeks, but still might be worth it. If you don’t have kids or don’t cloth diaper, just skip Thursdays. See you next week!


Well that’s all for this week, be sure to visit Conversion Diary for links to more 7 Quick Takes Fridays.

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