We’re back…well, I am

We had a good time in San Antonio, very much enjoyed Meredith and Kelly’s beautiful home and found an affordable hotel with suite-style rooms that we can use for future visits with my stepdaughter! We all played Wii and visited Max Lucado’s church yesterday. It was good to see everyone.

Even though we left before 1:00 PM yesterday, we didn’t get home until around 6:30 PM and we had to leave to take Christian to the airport for his flight to PA by 7:00 PM. So he did a great job of unpacking and repacking in around 30 minutes. I can’t help but think that a girl could never do that! At least, not this girl!

I think this week without him will be much longer, since it will be a complete week. I hope it is the last week of his travel. We’ll be traveling again in 2 weeks, back to San Antonio, and then to Kilgore the weekend after that. Somewhere in there we have to find at least one night we can spend celebrating our 2 year anniversary somewhere. But, that can be hard to do when we’re traveling between places that are 10 hours apart plus working regular work weeks.

Today during lunch I heard the song “Home for the Holidays” on the radio and couldn’t help but thinking that, as a married couple without children and parents, grandparents, and siblings living 2, 5, and 8 hours away… we are never home for the holidays. We are always traveling, always packing and re-packing and driving some more. That’s why I don’t decorate our house much, because we won’t be there. We’ll be living out of suitcases using those tiny sample sized bath products from around November through January.