Updates on work

So, the last few weeks I’ve been trying out the West Coast shift at work, which is 11 AM – 8 PM. I like it because I get to do things like grocery shopping and errands that I would previously have done in the evening after work, very early in the morning instead. I get to avoid all the traffic and crowds, which is great. Also, I tend to work out more in the mornings because I am not so rushed. But, unfortunately we are hiring some more people (which is actually a good thing – it’s getting a little crazy-busy here), and they will be taking that shift back. I’ll be back to 9 AM – 6 PM. 🙁 Too bad, I will miss that!

But, because we are hiring more people (one of them will probably be our friend Bob), we don’t have the space for everyone, so more people will be moved to working from home. I get to be one of those! Christian and I have been working on setting up the spare room to be more conducive to a home office. This weekend we went to Ikea and got 2 desks for around $60 each. Yesterday we got a wonderful filing cabinet that looks like a bureau. So things are moving along and I will take some pictures when it is all set up.

Last weekend I did paint the bedroom, but since I do not have curtains or a new bedspread yet, I have not taken pictures. I think it really needs some good grey-and-moss-green curtains and a bedspread yet. If anyone sees one, let me know!!

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