Tomorrow is my birthday!

Yep, tomorrow I turn 30! Hooray! I have been looking forward to turning 30 for quite some time. I have read somewhere that by the time you turn 30 you are more OK with who you are than you were in your 20’s. At first I thought that was kind of hogwash but I have hoped that it would be true.

Maybe it is going through Celebrate Recovery for the second time this year, or maybe it is indeed just my age. But I do think that I feel a lot more settled and OK with things than I have at other times in my life. I certainly don’t have the amount of worry about what people think of me that I might have had earlier in my life. I can see patterns in life more, and have less of a need to react and more of an attitude of “wait and see”. I am sure my husband would tell you differently, because he is on the opposite end of the scale. In comparison to him, I am still very high-strung and neurotic. But, you can only compare yourself to yourself, not to other people. And for me, I feel more settled.

I’m looking forward to having a wonderful dinner this weekend with a bunch of my favorite people! If anyone is reading this, I want you to all bring cameras and take plenty of pictures!

One thought on “Tomorrow is my birthday!

  1. Melanie says:

    i can’t wait for sushi zushi! and celebrating jenny! and singing happy birthday! and candles! and cake!

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