Re-design launched!

Welcome to the redesigned Conscientious Confusion! If you are getting this via email or an RSS reader, I encourage you to click on over to the full blog.

What’s new?

Design inspiration
The title image is courtesy of Dave Rizzo Studios, a sculptor I met at the Cottonwood Arts Festival last year.

Which is an excellent reminder: the Cottonwood Arts Festival is coming up again NEXT WEEKEND, Friday and Saturday, May 6-7 here in Richardson. It’s one of my favorite events, so check it out!

I am now more “social”

Facebook – Along with the redesign, I’m launching my Conscientious Confusion Facebook page! Please make sure you “Like” me on Facebook – I need 25 fans to get a custom Facebook URL! You’ll get notifications of each blog post as well as articles about green living, health, parenting, and all the other good things I love to rant about. You can write on the page’s wall when you get bored or something.

Twitter – still @_conscientious ! Now I’ll be pushing out automatic updates as soon as a blog post publishes, as well as the usual blather and links to interesting stuff online for your amusement.

RSS – If you’d rather get my updates in your reader or via email, choose RSS feed for updates from Feedburner.

Thank you!
My biggest thank you goes to my long-suffering and hard-working husband, who is responsible for creating this new design! It took him 6 months because he always puts our family first and therefore, his spare time is rare. I love you, Christian, and I am glad our marriage has survived this redesign!