New daily emails from Conscientious Confusion!

It’s Saturday, which means I get to talk about blog housekeeping stuff!

I’m so excited that about 10% of my readers already get blog posts via email so that you don’t miss any posts! Considering how weirdly sporadic I am about posting when I’m not doing #NaBloPoMo, email is probably the only way you’ll consistently keep up with new content about essential oils, being fit, eating well, alternative health, and random confusion that I write about the dilemmas I encounter as I strive to live consciously.

For those of you already subscribed to blog post emails:

You’ll notice the format changing a little bit. It should look “cleaner” and more well-designed. Yay! It’s also easier to Forward to a Friend, share on social media, and Unsubscribe (although I hope you won’t!). Remember, you still only receive an email when I publish a new blog post, typically 2-3 times per week.

If you’d like to sign up to receive blog posts via email now:

Please do! Here’s a nifty embedded form, or you can also click here to sign up on a separate page:

I hope that if you’ve been receiving emails, you enjoy the new experience! And if you’re new to blog posts via email, let me know what you think. I’d particularly like to know what you think of the mobile experience.