#NaBloPoMo 2013 – I said I wouldn’t do it

It’s come around again: National Blog Posting Month, or NaBloPoMo.
NaBloPoMo November 2013
I did it last year and I swore I’d never do it again. Mostly because there are some days, I’m not gonna lie, I wrote absolute crap. Like, seriously — what the heck is up with this post? *sigh*

And then, as frequently happens, Twitter pressured me into doing it. Or maybe it was Facebook. Whatever, it was all those other amazing bloggers who are committing to do this too. Mainly @Melisalw, @lifewithroozle, @Tabulous, @uppoppedafox, and @mrlady. You know, people I know mostly on or from Twitter. Because that’s completely normal, right? To have friends that live in your smartphone that make you do things?

Anyway, here we go again. Please bear with me for a new and improved frequency of posting with only slightly decreased value.

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