Love the {Home} You’re With: what I don’t love

Recently Jill at Baby Rabies did a post on how she decided to  “Love the Home You’re With“. She and her husband are doing amazing things to make their home so beautiful since they’ll be staying there for a few years. We recently decided that, instead of moving to another rental and possibly moving again in another year when we’re closer to being able to buy, we should just stay here where we are for another year.

In order to stay where we are, we’ll be doing some rearranging. I am going to do a series of posts over the next month or so on our progress. Warning: they will most likely be sporadic. I have to do them as we accomplish steps toward our goal of creating somewhere for Little Lady to sleep since there is currently nowhere to put her other than our room.

I wanted to start this first post with something I don’t love about this place, because I am always keeping in mind that we are going to get out of this place one day, and I am going to learn from the design flaws of this house. No one ever believes me when I tell them we have a 2-square-foot bathroom. So I have done my first vlog to show it to you.

Here it is, the smallest bathroom in the world {video here}:

6 thoughts on “Love the {Home} You’re With: what I don’t love

  1. Jill Krause says:

    hahahahahahaha! Well, at least you have a sense of humor about it 🙂 And good perspective. It’s not forever, right? Although, I’m pretty sure I would have murdered my husband at 9 months pregnant trying to share a bathroom that small. Can’t wait to see the changes you make!

  2. Theecochic says:

    Oh Jenny – you are a brave woman! I would do a vlog of my bathroom (which is about the size of your sons) but it’s so disgusting and out dated (we’re like the 5th owners of this house) that I would be embarrassed to share it with anyone on the internet.  However maybe then someone would feel sorry for me and re-do our bathrooms! LOL!  

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