I realize I need to blog more

I have 100 excuses: we went on vacation for a week, we got back and moved houses 3 days later, I have an 8 month old child who is crawling so I can’t get on the computer during the total of 4 hours a day I actually get to see him because, oh yes, I also work full time and now I am working days.

In addition, the management at my work has been less and less enthusiastic about my performance since having the baby. Nevermind that I was working the night shift for 6 months. I am pretty much the black sheep over there right now (go ahead, Dooce me…). So, in an effort to do a better job, I have been avoiding doing anything not work-related on the computer during work hours. It hasn’t really helped but that is another story.

There are exciting things coming up!

For one thing, BlogHer 2010 in NYC is, like, 2 weeks away! WHAT?!
I know, I can’t believe it!

This will be our first trip without Little Sir! Both sets of grandparents are coming into town to take turns caring for him. I am sure he will be having tons of fun, but I will also miss him a lot.

I am volunteering at BlogHer as the Volunteer Wrangler, which has been a lot harder than I thought but shouldn’t be too much trouble once we are actually there.

Is anyone else attending BlogHer?

2 thoughts on “I realize I need to blog more

  1. Jennifer Margulis says:

    I’m BRINGING my almost-crawling very squirmy 8-month-old to BlogHer (and my 6-year-old). I have some family coverage and she’ll be on my back some of the time. I wish Little Sir were coming too. But I hear it’s a very baby-friendly conference. Just hoping my wee one behaves well, doesn’t get too sad when I’m not there, and isn’t babbling every second at the top of her lungs…

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