I can’t believe I fell for it!

A while back I joined this circuit training gym on the advice of a friend. It seemed like a good idea because the idea of circuit training is that you do weight training machines fast for cardio and then slow for resistance. And since I am about to turn 30, I will need to transition to more strength training in addition to cardio in my 30’s.

The only thing that gave a me a little pause is that I couldn’t try it out before signing up. I just signed up, and then did my first workout. For the first few times I really liked the variety, but then I started getting nauseated after every workout. To the point where I had to lie down or throw up. I asked the trainers about it and they said I wasn’t eating enough protein before working out. So I tried eating protein bars 30 minutes before working out. Still nauseated. I tried eating fruit and other things with protein, like fat free cottage cheese. No luck.

Then I took this job in November. My hours are now 9 AM – 6 PM, which means I have less hours in the evening, even on the 2 weekdays that I do not have standing after-work commitments. This gym closes early on Saturdays, but I wouldn’t go on Saturdays anyway because that is the day Christian and I usually do walks around White Rock Lake. The gym is closed on Sunday altogether. I would love to work out in the mornings but they don’t open until 8:30 and I have to be at work at 9 AM (20 minutes away).

So, not only does the workout make me nauseated every time, which has really conditioned me to fear the workouts, but also the hours the gym is open are not compatible with when I need to work out. But here is where I feel stupid. I signed a contract that waived the join fee as long as I did 100 workouts. If I cancel now, I have to pay the join fee, which is either $150-$200. Christian pointed out that it is probably cheaper to just pay that fee rather than try to get in 100 workouts in the next 10 months. I know I wouldn’t be able to do them all due to time constraints and nausea anyway.

Well, I feel dumb. But I guess I’ll know better next time. 🙁