7 Quick Takes Friday #6

I know I haven’t doneĀ  7 Quick Takes Friday in about 100 years but it’s back!

— 1 —

Part of the reason I am excited to do this is because Jen of Conversion Diary, who hosts this writing prompt, just posted a link to the Oprah episode about the nuns! I was so mad that I missed this episode of Oprah because I was off that day and getting groceries. We don’t have cable or DVR so there was no way for me to see the episode I missed. Now I get to see it!! Woo hoo!

— 2 —

Nuns are totally fascinating. I think it is actually the not-having-to-think-about-clothing-or-possessions more than the not-having-sex.

— 3—

I did get my nose pierced for my birthday. I know my mom is reading this. It’s very small.

— 4 —

I have had a cold since I got my nose pierced. It is very interesting to have a snotty nose with a newly pierced nose. I am fortunate that I work from home and shut myself up in my office alone because there is a lot of what might be construed as nose-picking going on over here.

— 5 —

We still haven’t sold our 1980 Mercedes that runs on veggie oil. I have put it on Dallas Craigslist 3 times, the Austin Craigslist once, and the local Dallas area eBay. I am reluctant to put it on eBay Motors nationally because it costs $125 just to list it. But we have been trying 3 months and I am about to do it anyway.

— 6 —

People keep contacting us about the ad, asking for the pictures, and then never contacting us again. What?? I think it is in pretty good shape for being 30 years old and it runs perfectly. ALSO IT RUNS ON FUEL THAT IS FREE!

— 7 —

Someone very close to me is looking for a job as a Front End Developer (HTML, CSS, Javascript). It does not need to be in Dallas or even in Texas but it must not involve travel from the location of the employment. This person has a lot of experience. Please contact me if you know of anyone hiring.

Well that’s all for this week, be sure to visit Conversion Diary for links to more 7 Quick Takes Fridays.