7 Quick Takes Friday #24

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Because I know you all care, here are this week’s bentos.
Mother’s Day Out yesterday. This is a BIRD, with trees and clouds. I don’t think anybody but me gets that it is a bird.
Bento #3 - this is a BIRD
Today’s snack for Little Sir and I to take to the arboretum for our family photo shoot. Can’t wait to see the pics!
Snack Bento

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The two balls in the snack bento are not meatballs, those are Peanut Butter Oat Balls that my mom made for me. I am hoping to make them myself soon. Here is the recipe, I am not sure where it came from so I hope it’s not copyrighted or something:

Peanut Butter Oat Balls

2 Tb butter
2/3 c. pb (crunchy or creamy)
1/4 c. powdered sugar
3 TB honey
1 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 c. rice krispies
1 c. quick oats
1/4 c. raisins or cranberries
1/4 c. mini choc chips (could also be white chocolate or any other mini chips)
1/4 c. finely chpped dry roasted pnuts or coconut flakes
Melt butter and mix all but fruit, bits and chopped peanuts.  Let cool.  Mix in fruit and bits. Refrigerate or freeze to chill dough into firmness. Form into balls about 1″.  Roll in chopped nuts or flakes, pressing slightly to make them adhere.  Store in airtight container.
They are super delicious and filling!
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I can’t believe how much a simple cold knocked me out this week. I hardly got anything done.

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Little Lady failed at going to Mother’s Day Out this week, they called me after 3.5 hours to let me know she wasn’t going to make it and I had to pick both kids up. Additionally, both the evening events I had planned for some “me” time this week fell through. By last night I was about to lose my mind. Christian watched the kids while I went out to some stores alone and that was nice. Meanwhile, Little Lady screamed her head off and sobbed in her sleep for 2 hours after she finally fell asleep.
* sigh *

A friend reminded me that since Little Lady is 7 months and already eating solids, hopefully it won’t be long until she can go longer between feedings which would allow us to get away a few more hours. Still, it looks like at this point there’s no way we could leave her with grandparents overnight since she won’t take a bottle from anyone and she still wakes up multiple times to feed.

I am just about to lose my mind sometimes from the attachment of it all.

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I have not made meal plans or shopped for food in probably 2 weeks. The theme of this week’s Quick Takes is: Jenny does not have her stuff together right now.

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Unrelated to that, I have to face the fact that my beloved Petunia Picklebottom Touring Tote works great for one toddler but is not nearly big enough for two babies. I will have to find something else. This is what I am drooling over right now.

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In order to get that bag, I’ll probably need to sell another Petunia Picklebottom purse I have, a Crosstown Clutch in Devonshire Dandelion. If anyone is interested, let me know. Otherwise, I’ll be putting it on eBay this week some time.


Well that’s all for this week, be sure to visit Conversion Diary for links to more 7 Quick Takes Fridays.