The post where I point you to another blog

You might have noticed it’s a little bit quite over here on my blog lately. We’re ramping up the preparations for the new little one and I’m still doing a few extra hours at work here and there to make up for some time off I might need before the baby comes. We’ve started our Bradley Childbirth classes, which are 2 hours at a time for 8 weeks and come with homework to be done every night. In addition, we’re making an effort to spend any spare time with our various friends and family who we see less often, so that we see them a few times more before we disappear from the social arena for a period of time in October and after. Also, I do try to keep drama about pregnancy and pregnancy planning off this blog and on the family blog to spare you all.

In lieu of actual content, I wanted to point everyone over to a blog called My Inner French Girl, written by a friend of mine who I’ve been stalking following since we’ve met a few times at DFW Blogger events.

I particularly feel that her most recent posts from her “Frugal French Girl Week” series would fall into a category that readers of my blog might enjoy. She’s done 3 posts about this so far:

So, hopefully this will give you some good weekend reading and I’ll try to come up with something interesting to blog about this weekend, hopefully non-baby-related!