Patience – UR doin it wrong

Since I work only 2 1/2 miles from home, we always feel like it is a shame that I have to drive. But, with Dallas weather often getting up to 100 degrees by 8 AM I can’t ride my bike because I would be a sweaty mess by the time I reached work. Also, it would take a significant amount of time due to the circuitous route through neighborhoods that I’d have to take to avoid major highways. But an electric scooter would be perfect because it would go faster than a bike and I wouldn’t be sweaty….or at least, not as much. Some sweat is pretty much a given, even if you’re only walking between the car and a building.

We did go look at some Vespa scooters, but it turns out that since they run on a mix of gasoline and can go at pretty high speeds, you actually need a motorcycle license for them, as well as insurance and vehicle registration. While we are keeping that in mind for the future, that is not our current intention. Plus, it would still use fossil fuel.

Then we found this ad on Craigslist. Oh yes, Craigslist has everything. Compost, hubcaps for our Mercedes, scooters….So yesterday we drove out to the suburb and took a test drive of the scooter and loved it! We had to talk to our community group first but now we are ready to buy it!! Unfortunately, there are timing issues and the matter of finding a truck to transport it home. The Mercedes is still in the shop and Christian is having to drop me off at work. It is supposed to rain on Friday. I am ready for the scooter RIGHT NOW!! I am really having trouble being patient.

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