Last day of #NaBloPoMo: Lessons learned

NaBloPoMo November 2013

It’s the last day of #NaBloPoMo! I made it…sort of. You might have noticed that I missed about 5 days in there. But overall, I feel like that is pretty good. Here are some good and bad things I learned in this year’s blogging-every-day challenge.

  • It’s a good thing to put my post ideas out there ASAP before I forget. Blogging daily makes that easier.
  • Some of the things I do every day aren’t unusual to me but seem to solve problems for others, so it’s good to blog about them (essential oils, natural remedies).
  • The pressure of having to blog every day tends to unbalance me: due to the number of commitments I have in my life right now and the age of my children, the time to write has to be taken away from my kids or from my own self care.
  • I don’t like how I treated my kids when I was trying to bang out a blog post before the end of the day sometimes. There was far too much “Please stop that and leave Mommy alone for 5 more minutes” and “Can you please stop that, it’s keeping Mommy from blogging”. Sometimes I wasn’t able to get down on the floor and play with them after their nap because I was still messing around with Pin-able graphics or doing social media promotion of yet another blog post.

Overall, I am glad I did the challenge. It was less uncomfortable than last year, it felt more beneficial. At the same time, I am glad it is over. I can’t handle blogging every day because it requires me to make choices in my family and personal life that I am not comfortable with. I will continue forward, attempting to blog more but also giving myself grace to have a day or two (or three) where I can just relax.