Keeta Collection by Vicki Ray: my new bag!

I used to be a huge fan of small purses, and even of not carrying a purse at all. Ah, those were the days…

Nowadays I find myself lugging around 2 cloth diapers in a wet bag plus snacks for the toddler, a sippy, and a bottle for the baby. As much as I have always loved my Petunia Pickle Bottom Touring Tote, I had to admit that it was still too small for this phase of my life, and also too heavy even when empty. What I really needed was an all-cloth bag that was tall and wide, but not overwhelming in size (I’m not that big of a person!).

I knew that Etsy was the best place to find cloth diaper bags and I’d also be supporting handmade goods, so of course I asked Twitter – “who is your favorite Etsy shop for cloth purses?”. I got an answer back from Jennie at She Likes Purple suggesting The Keeta Collection by Vicki Ray.
I love their bags!

To me, Vicki Ray’s style is the perfect combination of girly and modern. I really wanted a bag that would cheer me up when I carried it, and I was determined not to buy something black or brown again!

I finally picked this bag:

However, we ended up substituting a different fabric since they were out of the original bird print.
When I got the bag, it was wrapped so nicely!

Keeta Collection bag - pretty package!

And this is what was inside…

Keeta Collection bag

Here is the bag stuffed with a diaper wet bag and all the other essentials.

Keeta Collection bag - stuffed full!

And it’s sooo much lighter, therefore easier on my back. Plus, I feel great about the way it looks – it really cheers me up to see it sitting there in the kitchen!

*NOTE: I was given a discount on the bag in exchange for this blog review. However, I contacted Vicki Ray, she didn’t contact me.

5 thoughts on “Keeta Collection by Vicki Ray: my new bag!

  1. Ashley Perez says:

    This cute bag is made more awesome since it’s maker (by coincidence) shares my grandmother’s name. She’s a really great gal, so it’s a nice coincidence.

    Congrats on diaper solutions with class!

  2. Ashleigh Lankford says:

    Funny thing – I was eying that bag from across the room at Bible study! Glad to know where you got it. 🙂

  3. Jennie says:

    So glad you found success! My diaper messenger bag was from this shop, and it’s still a favorite of mine.

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