I kind of don’t want you on Pinterest

How do I say this…I don’t really trust you. Pinterest is a place to share things with my friends. You know, people. Humans. Other (mostly) women who like to see pretty photos of things we might make, cook, or try with our kids one day.

And you are a business. Sure, you’re possibly a small business. Maybe even owned by a woman, even a woman I know.

But I’m just not comfortable with you being here. When I got the email that Company Selling Something was following me on Pinterest, it felt eerie. Like Big Brother had climbed into my cookbook on my shelf in my kitchen. Or a car dealership set up a billboard on the place where I keep my unrealistic dreams. Sure, it was OK that someone from high school I barely talked to can see my pins, but a company?

You say you’ll pin things and I’ll see them? What you mean is that someone in your marketing department will pin things that they hope I’ll see.

I guess that’s what makes me a little worried. Pinterest is a place I pin a lot of things that will help me avoid consumerism. To find marketing edging its way in makes me sad. I don’t want it to be another place trying to convince me that I need to buy more, when I wanted to be inspired to create.

So no, Company X, I’m sorry I won’t be following you back.

How do you feel about companies being on Pinterest?

4 thoughts on “I kind of don’t want you on Pinterest

  1. calley @theecochic says:

    I’m there both personally and as a business and it’s a great tool that draws in some amazing traffic.  While I know some brands may be snooping to see what you like – I honestly like to share 1) tips I think you’ll enjoy, and 2) yes, some strategically placed pics of product in hopes that you’ll click through.  Sorry! 🙁

  2. conscientious says:

    I know, I almost did not write this post because I know you do a great job with cloth diapering companies on Pinterest! I know it is inevitable that companies are going to be on there… I just wanted to see if others felt a little weird when it first started happening. The good news for you is that I haven’t had many comments agreeing so it seems like most people don’t mind!

  3. Amanda Lauro says:

    Bev is setting up a Pinterest for UP… I think you’re gonna like it!  I hope, anyway…  🙂 

  4. Merritt | LiveSimplyLove says:

    I just set up an account for a nonprofit client. I’m guessing you’d feel the same way about that. And I do get what you’re saying, but it’s bound to happen. Thankfully you don’t have to follow anyone you don’t want to! 🙂

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