I don’t write fiction

I did not participate in the Monday Bloggy Moms Writer’s Workshop yesterday because it was a prompt to write fiction.

I wish I could tell you why I don’t, but I just don’t feel comfortable with writing fiction. I feel like I am pretending to write someone else’s story or something and that it is inauthentic.

In high school and college, I wrote poetry (the not-always-rhyming kind). It was amusing but apparently I wasn’t that great at it. I kept getting feedback that it sounded canned or it wasn’t very deep (it wasn’t).

In college, my minor was Technical Writing, which is where you take a more complex and technical topic and condense it into something more easily understandable to someone who isn’t technical. I really enjoyed that.

I am fine with writing about my own experiences or opinions, but I just feel weird making up random stuff.