Conscientious Confusion

I’ve never really written a post defining the title of this blog, and yesterday’s post made me think it is probably about time!

Conscientious – To me, this means making conscious choices based on the information I have been given, rather than just “letting things happen” or sticking with the status quo.

In the context of this blog, I often share information that I have come across and what choices or changes I may or may not have made in my own life in response to new information. For example, if I find out that that most body products contain phthalates and that phthalates have been found to cause reproductive damage, what am I going to with that information? Will I decide I am OK with that risk, or will I choose to seek out phthalate-free personal care products? If I want to make a change, what products do I like and what don’t I like? I share my favorites with you in case you choose to make the same choice, or perhaps you’re just looking for some great new products to try. Read my product review policy here.

Will your decisions be the same as mine in some areas? Perhaps not. And that is OK. I am not trying to convince anyone, just provide information and let you know what I personally have decided to do with that information. I don’t expect everyone to make the same choices that I do. What a boring world that would be! But I do want to pass on the information so that everyone is equipped to decide.

Confusion – There are times when the choices aren’t clear. Or when I can’t figure out a way to do things “right”. Cat litter is a good example, for me. I wanted to use a “greener” cat litter, but in the end, my cats rejected it. I had to make a choice between a cat constantly pooping outside the box and my desire to be “green”. The cat won. This happens sometimes.

I also share these “failures” or frustrations when I can, because I want to be honest, no one is perfect! I will never be as “crunchy” or green as some bloggers, although I’d love to. And sometimes my readers have good suggestions for things I hadn’t thought to try!

More confusion – And then again, sometimes I just write stuff about my life or take pictures of my travel or our cats. This is not really relevant to anything. I just want to share. Do people like that? I am not sure, but I do it.

So there you have it. My reasons for blogging. A little rough, a little difficult to define, and a little confused. Just like the title says!

2 thoughts on “Conscientious Confusion

  1. Vanessa says:

    All great reasons for blogging. I say, it’s your blog, write about what you want to, regardless of what anyone thinks. The internet is analogous to the TV, if you don’t like what’s on one channel, change it to another!

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