Confusion: working/staying home

There are always a lot of great discussions on BlogHer about stay-at-home moms versus working moms, those that have a choice and those that don’t…today Miss Elaine linked to a great post by a blogger named Erin, with whom I was not familiar, about this choice and her exasperation with the attitudes she has encountered.
Here is the post.

I know I am not really qualified to chime in, since I haven’t gone back to work yet. But I will be going back in a few weeks and I do feel the pain of both sides. I’m currently trying to figure out a work schedule and a child care schedule that will work for our family. Both Christian and I were blessed to have moms that stayed at home with us when we were small and went back to work when we got older. I wish I could say I have that option, but we simply don’t. Maybe by the time Little Sir is 2 years old that will change, but for the next 2 years I will just need to work and find a balance.

It’s a tough topic, and I appreciate Erin addressing the frustrations!

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