Blue Volcano Media and BlogHer 2011

 Today I’m excited to have my first blog post up at my employer’s blog, check it out at Blue Volcano Media – it’s about Blogger Conferences and Your Business!

As I mentioned in the post, I’ll be attending BlogHer 2011 on behalf of BVM, where I’ll be taking notes at many of the sessions to write helpful blog posts on working with bloggers and social media for our clients and readers.

Blue Volcano is poised for tremendous growth in the next 12 months, and one of our focuses is helping our clients learn how to work with bloggers on PR campaigns. If you’re a blogger and will be attending BlogHer next week, make sure I get your business card so that we can include you in any future opportunities!

Come Talk to Me at BlogHer '11!

During BlogHer, make sure you are following @_conscientious, of course, but also follow @VolcanoMedia for the B2B take on #BlogHer11!