7 Quick Takes Friday #8

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It’s sad that I have only done this 7 Quick Takes 8 times since I started it in August of 2009. I really should do this more often.

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A friend of mine and I are looking for recommendations for a book we could read simultaneously and discuss. Anyone have any suggestions? I have no idea why I asked that, since no one ever comments on this blog.

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BlogHer 2010 in New York is now a little over 30 days away! I don’t think I officially announced it, but I am working as a volunteer on this conference. I appreciate the opportunity!

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Another thing I probably should have announced…per my earlier post on whether or not to move to the suburbs, we will indeed be moving to Richardson (a suburb) the second week of July.

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Every few years I get the urge to pack up and move. This happened last year but we didn’t move. Now that we are packing up and moving… I really don’t feel like packing. I always forget that I hate packing. We NEVER have enough boxes. Why do we have so much stuff???

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We will also be traveling on a plane with a very active 8 month old shortly before we move. I am thinking I should have done all this flying before he learned to crawl and stand up, because I have no idea how I am going to keep him still for 4 hours. He has decided naps are optional.

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I just want to hold onto my sanity for the month of July. So if the posts are a little sparse for the next few weeks… you know why.

Well that’s all for this week, be sure to visit Conversion Diary for links to more 7 Quick Takes Fridays.

One thought on “7 Quick Takes Friday #8

  1. Justin says:

    What kind of books do you like to read? If you haven’t read it, I would recommend The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffeneger. They made a (mediocre) movie out of it, but the book was amazing.

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