30th birthday party!

I’ve posted some photos from my 30th birthday party on my Flickr!

I wish I was better about taking photos, but I am not that good at it.

We had a lot of fun! There were about 20-21 people there altogether. We ate at Sushi Zushi, and they didn’t put us in a private room so the poor server had to serve all of us at a super long table. But, oh well! The food was delicious. I had a wonderful pink drink make with champagne. If I didn’t have such a low tolerance for alcohol I would have had more of those!

It was so fun to have everyone all in one place. I feel so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family! 🙂 My in-laws got to stay with us overnight as well so that was fun too.

Well, I guess I am 30 for real now!

One thought on “30th birthday party!

  1. Mel says:

    the party was so fun! i’m definitely interested in playing more of that wii cooking game…i need to work on my minestrone-making skills!

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