For the second part of my Earth Day series this year, I’m going to share some fun we had this weekend locally at the Richardson city Trash Bash. It’s an annual event here in our town (which is adjacent/connected to Dallas) where citizens can learn about the environmental services that the city offers, learn about local businesses and organizations that provide additional services, and have an opportunity to recycle large items that might not fall within our regular curbside recycling pickup, such as e-Waste.
Most of the exhibitors were set up in the main hallway of the city hall/civic center.
We walked from booth to booth learning about water conservation, mosquito prevention, brushing our teeth, keeping our homes safe (Richardson Police Department), how to garden using fish poop (yep!), and other fun things.
Outside near the fountain, there were other exhibits and a bounce house! My son got to tour the inside of the Fire Department’s ambulance while my daughter and I stood next to huge bales of materials ready for recycling at the Richardson Waste station.
Just as we were about to leave, we realized that free pizza was being served in the Great Room, where the door prize raffles were also being read! We didn’t win anything, but the kids enjoyed the pizza and we got to meet mayoral candidate Amir Omar. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a picture.

On our way out the door, we stopped by the kids’ activity room which turned out to be a lot of fun! So much fun that I wish I had taken more pictures. They have an awesome landscape display that shows how run-off water is affected by various pollutants. I would just love to own one of those! All I got a picture of was this Pinterest-worthy upcycle project using empty water bottles and macaroni with toys hidden inside. I just might try and recreate this one!
All in all, we had a fun day and the event (and pizza!) was free. We also got to take home a free tomato plant, which I’ve put in our garden and am sincerely hoping not to kill. We learned more about recycling and conserving, just in time for Earth Day. Thanks, Richardson, for caring about our environment!
#greensisters Earth Day Series: Recycling in Richardson @_conscientious