Paper towel alternatives

I’ve always been ashamed of how many paper towels we use, even though we use the ones that are made from recycled paper. We buy them in bulk at Costco, you probably know the brand.

I finally got myself and the kids up to Ikea one day, where I knew they had these packs of 10 large, rough, and very absorbent washcloths for $3 or $4 a package (depending on whether there is a sale – I got mine on sale for $3 a pack).

My plan is to use these instead of paper towels.

One thing that had deterred me from using cloth in the past was the idea of having to go all across the house to throw the dirty cloths into the laundry bin in our bedroom. Plus, who wants soggy, food-laden cloths in with their clothing, next to their bed?!

So I also bought a mesh laundry bag, which I hung from the inside of our pantry door. I throw all the dirty/soggy cloths into this bag, which just happens to be right next to our washer and dryer (because, as I might have mentioned, our house is TINY).

It’s working well so far! My only challenge is where I should be storing the clean cloths. Right now they are sitting in a big stack on my counter, taking up space. I am completely out of drawers I could put them into (house. tiny. remember?). I do want them to be somewhere that they are easy to see and grab. Any ideas?

*NOTE: I was not paid or contacted by Ikea to endorse their products in any way. I just love their stuff. Except that their cinnamon buns have trans fats in them. WHAT? Yes, it’s true. It’s evil.

7 thoughts on “Paper towel alternatives

  1. Anonymous says:

    We keep ours in a laundry basket on the floor/counter. We don’t bother folding them. It doesn’t get easier than that!

  2. Beth says:

    How about a mesh-type basket hung over the sink or by the cupbord hung from the ceiling, like a fruit basket

  3. Hilary M says:

    Hanging basket? We have ours (cheap washcloths that serve as towels and napkins) in a fruit basket on our kitchen table.

  4. NommyMommy says:

    I would try an empty tissue box, tacked to the underside of a kitchen cabinet, hanging over the counter.  Tucked inside, with the opening facing out, those handy cloths would more easily replace paper-towels in my (also tiny) house! 🙂

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